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Let's chat about online therapy:
Online therapy offers convenient and private access to mental health support through online video chat, much like Skype or Facetime.  The beauty of online therapy is that you get all of the same benefits of therapy as you would face-to-face but without the hassle of traffic, giving up additional time to commute to and from your appointment, hiring a babysitter, and so much more.
You can engage in therapy anywhere that you have an internet connection, even while traveling or sitting in your sweatpants on your couch. Some people find online therapy to be an especially good fit for their busy lives with the ability to meet while you are at work right from your office, allowing much more flexibility in scheduling and preserving their already restricted time.
Online therapy also gives access to therapy for people who may not have good therapeutic options due to personal relationships, non-traditional work hours, geographical location, physical ability, as well as others.
With Safe Haven Family Therapy, we use SimplePractice, a secure and confidential server designed specifically for online therapy. Once you decide I am a good fit for you, perhaps after our 20-minute free phone call, I will send you a link to join SimplePractice. At your leisure, you will be able to access and complete all of your intake paperwork and then schedule your first appointment. You will then receive a link to a virtual waiting room, where you will go before each session. On the day of your session, you will log into that link and wait for the session to start. It is as simple as that!
SimplePractice is convenient and simple. You will complete paperwork, schedule, pay invoices, chat with me, and meet with me for therapy all in one place! To make this even better, you can access your SimplePractice account 24/7 in a confidential and secure way. 
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